About EBI
On one occasion Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35). The Elnora Bible Institute (EBI) is committed to following the path of love in every area of life as we study, worship, and live together as a campus family. We challenge those who attend to live an authentic Christian life that impacts the lives of others. Whether you are called to pastoring, missions, church planting, homemaking, education, carpentry, business, farming, or any other career, God wants to use you to reach a lost and dying world with the transforming message of Jesus Christ. Faculty and staff alike want to help you build a solid foundation so you may achieve the full potential God has for you.
Many present-day institutions are relationally based. In contrast, EBI is truth based. While the issues of relationship development are not neglected, these relationships are built on the platform of truth. Rather than dealing with issues on the basis of diplomacy and popularity, truth is the absolute standard out of which flows relational peace and comfort. The unchanging, written truth of God (the Scriptures) reveals the Living Word of God (the Lord Jesus Christ) who said, “I am the… [one and only] truth…” (John14:6). The most important relationship of all is with and in Christ. Out of this vital relationship, all other proper relationships flow. At EBI, sin is not called by any other name, and the power of the risen Christ and HIs continuing ministry through the Holy Spirit is depended upon for long-term conflict resolutions. Student are not taught merely to get along, but rather to love and bless others through the enabling grace of God.
Our Purpose
Our slogan, “Equipping Disciples to Show the Way,” is a thumbnail sketch of EBI’s purpose. The first word of the slogan, taken from Ephesians 4:12, states that primary purpose of our institution. We exist to provide tools and training for Christ-followers (disciples) so that they may point others to Jesus, who is the Way. “The Way” also reflects the path that Christ would have us follow.

Our Affiliation
EBI operates under the auspices of the Biblical Mennonite Alliance (BMA), an association of churches committed to the world-side propagation of the inerrant Word of God in order to provide fellowship, instruction, accountability, prayer support, missions, and service opportunities to congregations of conservative Anabaptist theology and practice. A board of five men who are members of the BMA oversee the work of the institute.