Expository Preaching Seminar

This one-week seminar, taught by Leon Martin and J. Mark Horst, was developed to equip the pastor with methods of effective study and preaching. We hope it will be a valuable asset for both the seasoned and the newly ordained pastor. This seminar starts with the basic concepts and principles and allows the attendees to build skills that will enhance their study, sermon preparation, and delivery in an efficient and effective manner. Topics to be covered include:


  • Insight on Bible translations and how they impact sermons
  • Understanding the historical setting and how it simplifies the message
  • Appreciating the original intent and making it relevant today
  • Excluding personal preference and allowing Scripture to speak
  • Presenting biblical principles that are effective and change lives
  • Recognizing types of biblical literature and how they must be interpreted
  • Studying word definitions and understanding the original meaning
  • Discussing how to ask the “why?” question so preaching is relevant to the audience.
  • Dynamics of team ministry and what is required to make it work properly

Schedule - October 21-25, 2024

Monday, October 21

  • 4:00-5:00 | Arrival and registration
  • 5:00 | Supper
  • 6:00-7:00 | Orientation

Tuesday-Thursday, October 22-24

  • 8:00 | Sessions
  • 10:00-10:30 – Chapel
  • 10:30 | Brunch
  • 12:30-5:00 | Sessions
  • 5:00 | Supper

Friday, October 25

  • 8:00 | Sessions
  • 10:00-10:30 – Chapel
  • 10:30 | Brunch
  • 11:30-1:00 | Conclusion


Register Today

Cost | $350 | Individual

            $450 | Couple

The above total includes tuition and meal costs. Room and board is $100 per adult and $25 per child (Children 3 and under are free). 

Lodging | Attendees will stay in the EBI housing (dorm, etc.). Dorm rooms include two bunk-beds, two dressers, a shower room, a toilet room, and  two sinks. 

Essential Items to Bring: a Bible, a note-taking device, bedding (Twin-size), and towels and wash clothes.